Inspiration - Living Life Unlimited

If you are living dependent upon another's potential, you are living life limited. You may not realize your own potential because you are constantly relying on someone else to provide for you or help you achieve your goals. It is important to recognize the potential that God has placed in you.

Inspiration - Living Life Unlimited

God has given each of us unique talents and gifts. He has also given us the ability to choose how we use those talents and gifts. When we rely on others to do things for us that we are capable of doing ourselves, we are not living up to our potential. We are not giving God the credit He deserves for the gifts He has given us.

For many it is sometimes difficult to recognize the potential God has given us and therefore we limit ourselves. We think we can't do something because we haven't done it before. We think it's too hard, or we don't have the time. But the truth is, we can do anything we set our minds to. We just have to recognize our God given potential.

In order to recognize your God given potential, we have to first recognize that we have potential. We have to believe in ourselves and our ability to do great things. It's easy to doubt ourselves, but we have to push past that and believe that we can accomplish anything.

Once we recognize and accept the potential we have, we can start setting goals and working towards them. We can not accomplish anything if we don't set our minds to it. 

Instead of living dependent upon another's potential, start living life unlimited by recognizing the potential God has placed in you. Use your talents and gifts to their fullest potential. When you do, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. You will also be a blessing to others as you share your talents and gifts with them.

Don't let your potential go to waste. Start living life unlimited today.